Welcome to GigBib - Your Ethical Toy Haven!

At GigBib, we are passionate about providing American families with a wide range of ethical toys that not only spark joy but also align with our values. We believe in making a positive impact on children's lives while prioritizing their privacy and the well-being of those who create these wonderful playthings.

Our Commitment to Children's Privacy and Ending Child Labor Abuse

Unlike many other online toy retailers, GigBib takes a unique approach. We've harnessed the power of technology, including AI, to protect the privacy of real children. We don't use young models to promote our products. By doing so, we not only safeguard children's privacy but also contribute to the prevention of child labor abuse. Our commitment to ethical sourcing extends beyond just the toys we sell; it's about creating a better world for all children.

Direct From Manufacturers for Sustainability

We take sustainability seriously. GigBib connects directly with toy manufacturers across the globe. By cutting out middlemen and unnecessary inventories, we reduce transportation costs and carbon footprint, making the world a greener place. This also allows us to offer you these incredible toys at competitive prices.

New and Exciting Toys, Always

Our close relationships with manufacturers mean we're always among the first to introduce new toys to the market. We understand the importance of keeping up with children's evolving interests and developmental needs. GigBib ensures you have access to the latest and most innovative toys to inspire creativity and learning.

Join us on this ethical toy journey, where children's privacy is respected, child labor is combated, and the planet benefits from sustainable practices. Thank you for choosing GigBib as your trusted source for ethical toys. Together, we can make playtime not only fun but also meaningful.


Our Team

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Mark Jance


Aviana Plummer


Braydon Wilkerson


Kristin Watson